Stephanie's Family Child Care & Preschool
LIC #566214429
Full Time Child Care & Preschool

Full-Time Program M-F 7:30 AM- 5:30 PM
Ages 12 Months to 4.5 Years
Safe, Nurturing, Developmentally Appropriate
Stephanie's Family Child Care & Preschool
LIC #566214429
Full-Time Program M-F 7:30 AM- 5:30 PM
Ages 12 Months to 4.5 Years
Safe, Nurturing, Developmentally Appropriate
Parents struggle to find Child Care & Preschool they can trust. We provide a safe, loving environment where children learn and parents have peace of mind.
I hear ... I forget
I see ... I remember
I do ... I understand
Children learn through concrete experiences.
It is my life’s work to meet the Physical, Social, Educational, Emotional, and Developmental needs of the children in my care.
To facilitate this process I work every day to provide them with the tools and experiences to explore their world freely. Freedom of exploration gives a child the ability to experience and understand their world as they learn through all of their senses.
If you are consistent in your interactions with children they feel safe. Children, who live in a predictable world, learn to trust and have the freedom to explore and develop.
It is important to teach children how to take responsibility for their actions. Logical consequences and constancy are keys to developing a child’s sense of responsibility.
Children who are engaged in developmentally age-appropriate activities that spark their curiosity are content and thrive.
Remember, when you speak to a child with positive respectful words they will learn to use these words with others. Children become what they see and hear.
Most importantly, each child is unique and should be given every opportunity to grow and develop into a confident, compassionate, respectful, inquisitive, extraordinary human being.
At Stephanie’s Family Child Care & Preschool we care for a maximum of 12 children, only 4 of whom are 12-24 months. Our ratio varies between 1:6 and 1:4 when all children are present. Our higher ratios are limited to nap time, and at the end of the day as children are leaving for the day.
There is no age requirement to be Potty Trained when enrolled in our Child Care and Preschool Program. Your child can begin Preschool regardless of their ability to use the bathroom. We work with every child on self-help skills to prepare them to be independent in the bathroom when their bodies are ready.
We go above and beyond the minimum California State Licensing Child Care Regulations for required staff ratios. All staff is CPR and First Aid Certified, have completed Mandated Reporter Training and are up to date on required immunizations (Flu, Pertussis, Measles). We provide a safe environment, free of hazards where children are well supervised and cared for. We have yearly visits from Community Care Licensing and are free of any deficiencies.
Community Care Licensing’s Information about our facility visits can be viewed here:
We currently accept the following:
Child Development Resources (CDR)
Military Child Care In Your Neighborhood (MCCYN)
Children's Home Society (CHS)